Escape from Happytown (April Almighty Book 3) Page 3
“Your men. Where are they?”
“They’re at work, like workin’ men should be!” the woman cackled.
“I don’t think so. She killed them, didn’t she?”
The women looked at each other uncomfortably before the he spoke again.
“Not to mention, by the look of your tools there I’m guessing you weren’t headed to a gardening party. Unless there’s something you can plant with ball bats,” he said.
“Now look! I’m not gonna warn you again—” she screamed. Before she could finish, he drew his Desert Eagle .44 magnum and shot the woman in the face. Her head exploded like a melon as blood and brains sprayed the crowd of women who were already screaming. A few started toward him, but he already had the gun pointed at the group.
“That’s as far as any of you go! I tried to be nice about this, but you ladies wanted to make it difficult. Now once again, that girl’s name is April Kennedy. Any of you seen her?” he said.
Before anyone could answer, another girl came running up. She was short with blonde hair, and had a bloody hole where her nose should have been.
“She’s gone! That fucking bitch that bit my nose off is gone!” the girl screamed.
“I bet that other one cut her loose,” another woman said.
The girl noticed the old woman’s body for the first time and froze, as she looked up at Grant.
“Who the fuck are you?” she said.
“That man is a Texas Ranger,” the woman said. “He’s gonna help us kill these bitches.”
Chapter 6
Coy followed behind Zeus as the dog ran from house to house seeking out the outsider. Part of him hoped if he helped find the girl, the women of the town would take him more seriously as the man of the town. Maybe he could take several of them as wives. He could think of a few ladies he wouldn’t mind taking as his wives. Up until the past few days, he was just big, dumb Coy. Now he was literally the only guy in town.
Zeus took off running and turned a corner. Coy tried to keep up with him, but the dog was too fast. He must be on to something.
“Zeus! Come back here! Zeus!” he called out.
Coy ran around the building and stopped as there was Zeus lying on his back while April, who happened to be naked, knelt by him rubbing his belly. There was another girl standing next to April.
“Oh shit,” Coy said.
April looked up at him, and instantly his dick became rock hard.
“No! No! Don’t do this! Please!” he begged.
“You handed me over to that old hag to have me tortured you fuck! Your ass is mine!”
He wanted to turn and run away, but he couldn’t. Plus his dick felt so good and his balls began to tingle as he grew harder and harder in his jeans. So hard, that he undid his jeans and took his dick out, watching it throb. The girl with April looked on with bizarre fascination.
“What is going on?” the girl asked.
“Just watch,” April said.
In a matter of seconds a wave of intense pleasure swept over Coy as he ejaculated. Even though April was almost ten feet away, his load almost hit her. She had to duck out of the way as it shot over her head.
“Holy shit!” the other girl said as Coy collapsed to the ground.
Coy gasped for air as the ground felt as if it were spinning beneath him. April walked over and stood over him. She looked even more beautiful than the last time he’d seen her. The fact that she was naked didn’t hurt. Her body was a work of art.
“Get up,” she said. Without realizing what he was doing he stood. She’d done this to him once before, inside the Funhouse. She was now in control of his mind.
“Look, I’m sorry. I didn’t know what Mrs. Reynolds was gonna do to you!” Coy said.
“Right. That’s the second time you led me to my death but you were totally innocent and helpless. Right?”
“Well yes, I mean no....I mean....”
“Shut up. Play with your dick for me.”
Immediately he back jacking off again. In seconds he was hard.
“Good Now go fuck your dog in the ass,” she ordered.
“Please don’t make me do this,” he said as he walked over to Zeus who was now sitting upright. He pushed up the dog’s rear end and slid his cock into the dog’s asshole. The dog yelped and whined as Coy slid his cock in and out.
“Oh my God!” the other girl squealed. “How are you doing this?”
“Just a little thing I learned,” April said.
“Holy shit! You’re really making him fuck a dog. It’s so gross, but I can’t stop looking.”
Coy continued to hump away as the dog whined and even began howling. Finally Coy finished, shooting his load inside the dog’s ass. He pulled out, fell to the ground and threw up. Zeus began lapping up his vomit as he stood. He had to look away before he puked again. Tears ran down his face as he fastened his jeans.
“Now, you’re coming with us. Bring Zeus. It’s too bad I had to put him through that,” April said.
“Put him through it?”
“Yeah. No creature should have to have your pathetic dick inside of them. Now, give me your shirt.”
Without a word, he unbuttoned his work shirt and handed it to her. She put it on and buttoned it up and began walking. Coy followed her as Zeus and the other girl trailed along.
“So who is your friend?” Coy asked.
“You mean the girl you were sending your dog after? That’s Isis.”
“Cool name.”
“Shut the fuck up.”
“Damn. You got a way with men don’t you?” Isis said.
“You could say that,” April said.
“You’ll have to teach me that trick.”
“So what are you gonna do with me?” Coy asked.
“First thing is you’ll help us get out of here. After that, I’ll have you kill yourself in the most horrible way I can think of.”
Coy’s stomach tightened at her words. How could she be so casual talking about killing him? Or forcing him to kill himself? He saw how effortlessly she killed at the Funhouse. He should have taken her to safety instead of selling her out to Mrs. Reynolds. He figured he would be improving his standing in the town. Instead he was ending his own life.
“That really shut him up,” Isis said.
“So where is a car?” April asked.
“Go to the end of these houses and to your right. My truck will be right around there,” Coy said.
They did as he said and there it was. His pickup truck sitting outside a house. They ran across the street and reached the truck.
“Keys,” April said.
Coy dug in his pocket and handed her his keys. As April was opening the door, from behind her someone racked a shotgun.
“Stop right there,” a woman said. April slowly turned to see a middle aged woman pointing a shotgun at them. Isis looked around as Coy just stood there.
“Why are you helping them?” the woman asked Coy.
“Well, I’m not—” he began.
“Coy,” April interrupted as Coy began to move once again against his own will. Before the woman holding the gun could react, he stepped up to her, grabbed the shotgun from her hands and struck her in the face with the butt. She screamed as she fell to the ground.
“I’m real sorry,” Coy said. “She’s making me do it. I can’t help myself.” He continued smashing her in the face with the butt of the shotgun. Over and over the stock slammed into her face until her head split open, spilling its contents of brains, bone, and fluid onto the sidewalk.
“Holy shit!” Isis said. “Did you see her fuckin’ head bust open? Shit that was awesome.”
April glared at her and Isis shut up. Coy stood there holding the shotgun and looking at the woman’s body. He held up the gun, pointing the barrel under his chin. April looked over just in time, forcing him to lower it.
“Not so fast, cowboy. I’m not done with you yet.”
Chapter 7
April ordered Coy
into the bed of the truck as she and Isis climbed into the cab. She started it as the engine roared to life. Thank God. It was time to get out of this armpit of a town. Throwing the truck into drive, she stepped on the gas while pulling onto the street. She did a U-turn, driving up onto the curb as she turned the truck around to head out of the town.
The streets were quiet as they cruised through town. That is, until just before the city limits where a mob of women was gathered. She stomped on the gas, picking up speed as one of the women jumped into the middle of the street, shaking her fist and shouting something. April didn’t slow down as the pickup struck the woman exploded upon impact. At least that’s what it looked like.
Her head and limbs went flying as the rest of her body rolled under the truck. Entrails splattered against the windshield as Isis screamed.
“Jesus fuck! You are crazy!” she said.
“Don’t I know it,” April responded. She turned on the wipers to wipe away the guts on the windshield, but it only formed thick red streaks. From the side of the road, someone threw a brick at the truck, shattering the driver’s side window. The brick struck April in the head and she lost control of the truck. It swerved and bucked as the truck veered off the road and smashed into a street light.
April jerked to a stop against her seatbelt, knocking the wind out of her. The airbag blasted her in the face causing her to see stars. As her head cleared Isis was looking as dazed as she felt. Coy was lying on the ground face down a few feet in front of the pickup and Zeus was next to him, sniffing at his body. April couldn’t tell if he was alive or dead. She stumbled out of the truck to find the women glaring at her as if they were about to rip the flesh off her bones.
Another pickup came pulling up and screeched to a halt about a hundred feet away. She wasn’t sure who it was or why they were stopping there, but she wasn’t about to stick around and find out. She took off running in between some houses. Isis ran behind her as they wove through houses.
“What’s going on?” Isis called out.
“I don’t know. We got to find another way out of here.” April was so livid. They were so close to getting out of there. It’s as if she’d died and gone to hell, and this place was it. She’ll spend eternity trying to escape these assholes only to be dragged back into the town somehow. If she believed in hell, she might believe that’s where she was. But she didn’t, and it wasn’t. Getting out of trouble had become her specialty as of late, and she wasn’t going to give up now.
There was no one immediately behind them as they wove through some houses and into a wooded area. April’s bare feet stung as the sticks and rocks she ran on cut her, but she did her best to ignore the pain. Isis stumbled along behind her until they saw a cabin up ahead. April slowed and took cover behind some trees as they approached. There was no one outside the cabin. Looking back, she wasn’t sure how far from town they’d come. They’d been running at least fifteen minutes.
There were voices coming from the town and getting louder.
“Sounds like the lynch mob is on the way,” April said.
“What a bunch of crazy bitches. Where are all the men?”
“I killed them all.”
“Holy shit. Are you serious? Who are you for real?”
“I told you, I’m April,” she said as she crept slowly toward the cabin. She ducked down and looked in the window. There was no one inside so she kept her head down as she snuck around back. In back was a woman leaned over a well pulling up a bucket. Before April could do anything, Isis appeared from the other side of the house, ran up behind the woman and shoved her down the well. The woman screamed as she fell and then was silent. April ran up to the well looking down. The woman was lying there partly submerged in water. April couldn’t tell if she were alive or dead. Until the woman began screaming again.
“Help! Get me out of here!”
“What did you do that for?” April asked.
“I figured we needed the cabin. Shit you just used some mind control to make some guy split a girl’s head open and fuck a dog. This is tame by comparison.”
“Fair enough. She can’t keep screaming like this.”
Isis looked around and walked toward some large chunks of concrete blocks. She grabbed several and began hurling them at the woman in the well. She screamed as each lump of concrete bounced off her body with a sickening thud. April watched with morbid fascination as Isis grabbed brick after brick, winding up as if she were Nolan Ryan and firing it into the well.
Even after the woman stopped screaming and moving, Isis continued throwing them. April finally grabbed her and pulled her off.
“Jesus!” April said. “I think she’s fucking dead.”
Isis took some deep breaths before putting her arms down and walking away.
“What the hell was that? Why’d you push her down there?”
“She’s one of them! Can’t you tell?” Isis said.
“We don’t know that.”
“After what they did to you? You trust any of them?”
“Good point,” April said. “Let’s go see what she’s got in here.”
The back door was part way open and they walked inside. April walked into one of the back rooms and there was a small closet. She grabbed a pair of shorts and a t-shirt and put them on. The shorts were ok, the shirt was a little small, but would work. There was also a pair of socks and shoes that were slightly too big, but fit well enough. At least she wouldn’t be barefoot.
“Holy shit!” Isis called out. “Check this shit out.”
April ran into the other room to find Isis standing next to a large cabinet staring at it like a kid at the ice cream truck.
“Jesus Christ!” April said as she looked up and down at an entire arsenal of weapons. There were long guns, hand guns, boxes and boxes of ammo and knives of various sizes. Hanging on the inner door of the cabinet was a large sword in a sheath. April pulled the sword down and slid it out of the sheath. It was a broadsword. Heavy, but not clumsy; the weight felt good in her hands. She took a few practice swings with it before she noticed Isis glaring at her.
“Seriously?” Isis said. “A fuckin’ sword?”
“I used to play with practice swords with my dad. Besides, I cut people up with a machete. A sword should be even better.”
“Jesus you’re a crazy bitch.”
“So says the one who just threw some woman down a well and stoned her to death.”
“Hey, that bitch would have killed us. Look at all this shit.” Isis grabbed a shotgun and two small semi-automatic handguns. Looking around, Isis spotted a backpack in the corner of the room. She grabbed it and filled it with ammo boxes. There were a couple holsters for the handguns, Isis inserted the guns and clipped them to her waistband.
April slid the sword back into its sheath and slung it over her back. There was a larger handgun hanging on the back of the cabinet. This was a .357 Colt Python. It wasn’t new by any stretch. The holster looked dirty and worn, as the gun itself was covered in dirt and dust. She removed it and spun the barrel. It spun easily. There was fresh carbon on the inside as if it had been fired recently.
“You’re gonna take that old thing?” Isis asked.
“Hey, my dad used to have one of these. They’re good, reliable guns.”
“Jesus Christ. I’m stuck in redneck town with Joan Wayne.”
April laughed at Isis’ play on words.
“I’ll take that any day. We should keep moving before the mob gets here.”
Chapter 8
Grant watched with amusement as the mob of women pursued the two girls. In the meantime, they’d left their one man in town lying face down on the pavement. Grant walked over to the young man and knelt down. The guy was still moving.
“Hey hoss, you alive?” Grant asked as he shook the man. The guy stirred a little and began to sit up.
“Hmph,” the man said as he rolled onto his back. His face was bloody and scraped up. “What happened?”
“Them girls threw
you out of their truck when they crashed.”
“What girls? Shit, my head hurts.”
“Can you stand? I might need your help,” Grant said. He didn’t really need anyone’s help, but figured he could use this guy as bait if he had to.
“I think so,” the guy said as he slowly got to his feet. He was a bit wobbly at first, but finally got his footing. “I remember now. God. Them bitches are evil.”
“I know. I’m Grant. Grant Storm, Texas Rangers.”
“I’m Coy. I’m the only man left in town. Well besides you that is.”
“I figured. I been after the one girl for a while. April. She’s extremely dangerous.”
“Yeah. I gathered that,” Coy said.
“Let’s go. My truck is this way. They ran back that way through those houses. Anything back there?”
“Just more houses. Then the woods starts there. Those go on for a while,” Coy explained.
Grant considered this for a moment.
“Is there a way to drive there?”
“Sure. I can show you.”
“Great, hop in,” Grant said as they climbed into Grant’s truck and drove around the outside of town. Coy showed him a dirt road that ran around some of the larger properties to the edge of the woods. There was another dirt road that ran into the woods. Turning the truck onto the side road they were instantly surrounded by thick trees. After driving several more minutes, they heard gunfire coming from their right.
“Shit, sounds like they found ‘em,” Coy said.
“Could be.”
“You got any extra guns?”
“Nope,” Grant said as he pulled off the road, weaving through the trees until he could see some of the women surrounding a cabin. They were all exchanging gunfire. There were bodies of some of them lying around.
“Damn. This is crazy shit,” Coy said.
“Sure is.” Grant’s cell phone began to ring as he slowed the pickup and pulled to a stop. He pressed it to his ear.
“Storm. What is your status?” the man on the other end asked. It was his boss, Chandler.
“Looks like the subject is cornered in a cabin. I’m getting ready to move in.”