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Escape from Happytown (April Almighty Book 3) Page 5
Escape from Happytown (April Almighty Book 3) Read online
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“Not part of this town’s crazy stuff huh? Kid’s what? Seven telling you to kill the bad lady?”
“It’s just what he hears. I promise!”
Isis pointed the gun at the boy, less than an inch from his face and pulled the trigger. The boy’s head exploded as the gun blast rang through the house. His tiny body crumpled to the floor as his brains and blood painted the wall behind him. The little girl and woman both screamed. The woman stepped forward to hold her son’s body, but Isis wasn’t having it.
“Back the fuck off bitch.”
“My baby! You killed my baby! Why? Why?”
She pointed the gun at the little girl who was screaming.
“If you don’t want your little girl to paint the walls you better both shut the fuck up.”
“Heidi, shhh! It’s ok honey. Please,” the woman pleaded with the little girl. “Please let me hold her, she’ll quiet down faster.”
Isis nodded as the woman grabbed the little girl and picked her up, holding her tight.
“Its ok sweetie, it’ll be ok. She’s not a bad woman. She’s just scared ok. I just need to help her and we’ll be ok.”
“Christopher is dead! She killed him!”
“I know. I’m sorry. I really am.” The woman was doing her best to stay calm, but Isis could tell she was about to lose it.
“Ok, enough mommy time. Where are your car keys?”
“They’re in my purse.”
“Bring it to me.”
The woman walked over to a table and grabbed her purse; she opened it up, sliding her hand inside.
“Stop,” Isis ordered. “Hand it to me.”
She did as instructed as Isis sat it on the couch, reached in and pulled out the keys. Tossing them to the woman as she grabbed the little girl’s hand.
“Come on. We’re going for a ride.”
“To where? You can have the car. Just take it and go.”
“Not that simple. I need you two as insurance in case anyone decides to fuck with me. As you’ve seen, I don’t give a shit if you’re forty, or four. I’ll fucking kill anyone who fucks with me. Now move.”
They walked out to the driveway and headed to the sedan parked outside. Isis signaled for the woman to get in the driver’s seat while she and Heidi climbed in back. The woman started the car and pulled out.
“Which way?” she asked.
“Whichever way takes us out of here. Try anything stupid and little Heidi here is dead. You understand?”
“Yes. Please, that’s not necessary.”
“What is your name unless you want me to keep calling you bitch?”
“Good Jill. Drive and get me out of here safely and you and your little rat just might live to see the sun rise.”
Chapter 12
April awoke again, feeling groggy and dizzy. This time she was in an exam room, wearing sweats and a t-shirt. There was the examination table she was sitting on and an empty counter nearby. There was no one else in the room, but there was a large mirror lining the far wall. She figured that was two-way glass, but wasn’t sure why or what they’d be watching. Just for shits and giggles, she turned to the two-way glass and flipped the middle finger to whomever was watching.
After a few minutes the door burst open and security arrived with five men in handcuffs. The two guards wore black BDU’s and some kind of riot helmets. The men they were escorting were all large, burly men. A couple looked like they could be bikers with their long hair, beards, and tattoos. The other guys just looked like they were yanked out of prison. One of them had a shaved head and was covered in tattoos, including a teardrop on his cheek.
“Ok boys,” the guard said as he uncuffed the men. “Play nice and have fun!” And they walked out, leaving her alone with them.
“What is all this?” April asked.
The men each circled around her, looking her up and down as if she were a side of filet mignon. One of them kept making some strange grunting sound as if he were playing pocket pool or something.
“Well, what do we have here?” one of the bikers said.
“They said we’d be getting recreation, but damn,” another said.
“Who the fuck are you guys? What’s going on?” April asked.
“We’re your party honey. And you’re the party favor!”
One of the men grabbed her from behind, pulling her arms behind her. Another charged her, but she leaned back and kicked him in the stomach. The others rushed in grabbing her, tearing at her clothes.
“Stop it! Get the fuck off of me!” she screamed, but they continued pulling at her. They pushed her face down to the examination table, as several hands held her down. Someone began pulling at her sweats, ripping them off her legs, leaving her lower body naked.
“All right! Who’s going first?” one of the men called out.
“I got this one. She is fine! I needs some of that fresh pussy!” another said. She felt his hand on her ass as he thrust a finger inside her. It hurt like hell as he forced her lips apart, causing her to cry out.
“She’s a screamer guys! This is gonna be a good one!”
Anger surged through her. Not just at her attackers, but with the assholes that were keeping her here, wherever “here” was. She was so sick and tired of being a victim, of people thinking she was there for someone’s amusement, or sick games. Ever since she was kidnapped, it had been endless turmoil. She should have never gone on that road trip. If she made it out of here, she’d never leave the house again.
One of the men grabbed her by the back of the neck and shoved his dick in her face. She pinched her mouth shut as it rubbed against her nose and cheek.
“Open up bitch!” he shouted. “Time for breakfast!” He reared back and slapped her across the face, causing her ears to ring and the whole left side of her face stung as it throbbed. He poked her in the face again with his dick.
“I told you to open up you fucking cunt!” he screamed as he reared back again for another blow. At the same time, the man behind her was pushing his dick up against her pussy, trying to force it in. The rage kept surging through April as she looked up at the man before her. He stopped and staggered backward as he grabbed his erect cock.
“What the hell? What is going on?” he yelled as the man behind her did the same thing. The others let go of her as they all doubled over yelling, moaning and gyrating on the floor. She wasn’t sure how she was doing this with the inhibitor, but her ability seemed to be working. She ran over and pulled her sweats back on as the men twitched and gyrated as each of them climaxed. When they finished, they slowly stood looking around at each other.
April glanced at each of the as they all looked like deer caught in headlights.
“Now,” she said. “Kill each other.”
Without hesitating, yet still looking confused, the men all jumped each other and tumbled into a pile in the middle of the room. April climbed onto the table and sat cross legged as she watched one man gouge out another man’s eyes as blood and fluid squirted out onto the floor. Another man strangled his foe, crushing his throat as the wounded man coughed and wheezed for air. Blood and bodily fluids oozed out onto the tile floor as the men did exactly what she was making them do. She had no idea how she’d been able to break through, or why these guys were even there. Most likely it was a test of some sort. She was little more than a lab rat to these assholes.
They continued struggling and fighting when the door burst open and more security was there. One of them had a big sound blaster like the cowboy in the cabin had. Before she could react, it was on full blast, causing her ears to throb as she fell to her knees. The men collapsed as well as the guards that ran in. Despite her struggles, one of them managed to give her an injection. She got the easy end. One of the guards took out a gun and shot each of the men who had just attacked her moments before. April struggled against the drug, but it was useless. Her limbs grew heavy as her vision began to fade. Within a matter of seconds, sleep took her.
r /> Chapter 13
Isis felt a huge sense of relief when they drove out of Happytown. The little girl sat crying and blubbering in the back seat. At least she’d stopped screaming. The girl’s mother was whimpering from the driver’s seat, but that didn’t bother Isis as badly.
“So are you going to let us go now?” Jill asked.
“We got a ways to go yet. I need to get far far away from this place. Go south.”
“Where are you wanting to go?”
“Mexico. Now shut up and drive.”
For the next several hours they cruised along. The ride was mostly uneventful, and Heidi finally fell asleep. Isis was exhausted and felt like she could sleep herself. She wanted to, but couldn’t do it with these two. There was an exit up ahead as they drove into San Antonio. She tapped Jill on the shoulder.
“Pull off up here. We’re going to crash for the night.”
“We are? How will that work?”
“Just fucking do it,” Isis said, pressing the gun into the woman’s temple. Jill tensed as she pulled off the highway and into a hotel parking lot. It wasn’t anything fancy, but wasn’t a total dive either. Looking at the dash clock, it was just after two in the morning. She had to get rid of these two and keep moving south. “Pull around back,” she ordered.
Jill did as she was told and parked near the back of the lot where Isis had commanded. There were no lights back there and no other car.
“Both of you, out,” Isis said as she climbed out.
Isis got out and waved the gun at Jill who followed. She reached in and picked up Heidi who was sound asleep. Isis walked to the back of the car and popped the trunk.
“Get in. Both of you,” she said.
“What? You’re gonna make us sleep in the trunk?”
“Bitch, I am fucking tired of repeating myself to you. Get. In. The. Fucking. Trunk!”
Jill lay Heidi into the trunk and scooted her back and then she climbed in with her holding her in her arms.
“There. You got her good?” Isis asked.
“Ok. Hard to say when someone will find you guys.”
“What do—” Before Jill could finish, Isis shot her twice in the face with a quick double tap. In an instant, there was nothing but a giant, gaping hole where her face used to be. Heidi jumped awake at the shot and began to scream, but Isis fired two shots into her as well and slammed the trunk closed. She really hadn’t wanted to kill them. Part of her thought she could just leave them in the trunk and someone would find the later. But the more she thought about it, the more sense it made to them. No point in leaving witnesses or victims to run to the police. At least if she killed them it would buy her a few more hours at least.
Walking away, she tucked the gun into her waist band and walked around the front of the building. There was an eighteen wheeler parked in front of the hotel. The driver was an older man, well into his fifties wearing a t-shirt and Texas Rangers cap talking on a cell phone. He put the phone down when he saw Isis approaching.
“Well hello there,” he said. “What’s a cutie like you doing out this late?”
“Looking for a ride,” she said putting an extra swish in her step as she approached.
“Well now. That would mean a lot of things.”
“It just might.”
“Where ya headed?”
“Well, I’m headed to Laredo.”
“That works too,” she said. Laredo was right on the border, so she could cross from there or just lie low in Laredo for a while.
“Oh I might be able to get you there. What can you do for me?”
She walked up and ran a finger long his chest.
“I can do a lot for you.”
Twenty minutes later they were in his hotel room. She never even asked the guy’s name. He was naked, lying back on the bed as Isis rode his cock repeatedly. She was impressed with how good of shape his body was for his age. His cock was even decent sized and functioned quite nicely. Her pussy throbbed as she slid up and down on him, as he stretched her out just enough to not hurt.
He lie flat on his back, his hands on her ass as she bounced up and down. Each time she came down, he thrust his hips upward and grunted. Finally he throbbed and stiffened inside her as they both climaxed together. Isis tensed and squealed as he filled her up. She continued writhing, using her pussy to milk his cock dry. She took a deep breath and collapsed onto the bed at his side.
“Damn girl!” he said. “That was good shit. I haven’t fucked like that in years.”
“You weren’t so bad yourself tough guy,” Isis said. She climbed out of the bed and pulled her panties on.
“Where you going?”
“You mean we,” she said.
“What in the hell are you talking about?” he asked.
“We are leaving for Laredo.”
“You mean now? It’s the middle of the night.”
“Good! There won’t be as much traffic,” she said as she pulled on her jeans and shirt.
“Shit, I need to get some sleep.”
“Fuck sleep.”
“I’m not a kid like you girl. I’m old. My old ass needs rest.”
“Tell you what.” She climbed onto the bed with him and began massaging his cock through the sheets. “We leave now and you drive, while I give you as much head as you want along the way. Come on. You got to be lonely driving all the time alone.”
“Well, you sure do make a convincing argument.”
“Of course I do. So get up.” She grabbed his Rangers hat and shoved it onto his head as she stood. As he got dressed, he looked over at her.
“Why do I get the feeling like you’re running from something or someone?” he asked.
“Does it matter? I suck good dick.”
“Well since you put it that way.”
Chapter 14
April awoke and was strapped to a chair, which was like a cross between a dentist’s chair and an electric chair. There was a leather strap around her forehead with electrodes fastened to each of her temples. She struggled against the restraints as Doctor Cassidy walked in.
“Hi April. Having a rough time of it I see,” he said without looking up from his clipboard.
“What is this shit? Why am I here like this?”
“Well, you didn’t listen to me earlier and you went nuts. So we’ve had to take some extreme measures. Plus you showed resistance to the inhibitor.”
“Those bikers you manhandled. You were on the inhibitor. All those men were just pulled out of prison and brought here as a test for you. You passed, or failed depending on how you look at it.”
“What the fuck is that supposed to mean?”
“You showed for some reason you can bypass the inhibitor. So we need to find out why,” he explained.
“How about you go fuck yourself?” she said, struggling against the restraints.
“I’m afraid that isn’t an option.”
She calmed herself and focused her mind on Cassidy. He looked up from the clipboard and activated a device in his hand sending an electric shock through April’s body. Her legs tensed and chest heaved as the current ripped through her. April’s vision went blurry until it subsided, and Cassidy did it again, this time longer. Once he let up, the current went away and April relaxed but she was in a cold sweat as she gasped for air, trying to get her breath.
“There. See what happens when you try to control me? You get a bit of a shock.”
“Fuck you,” she said, still panting.
“You have a very filthy mouth don’t you. That’s unfortunate. I tried to help you April. Tried to work with you. So now we have to do things the hard way.”
The door opened and a group of people in surgical garb came in. One of them was pushing a cart loaded with instruments.
“What the hell is this?” April asked.
“This is our surgeon and his team. They’re here to examine you.”
amine me?”
“You’re special, April. You’re also dangerous. We need to know what makes you tick. Not just for us, but for the betterment of mankind. Think of the good we could do if we could find out what you are, learn how to harness it, control it, and...”
“Package and sell it?” she finished.
“If need be. I supposed you already know you won’t survive this procedure. It involves the removal of your brain so we can study it, your organs and central nervous system. In there somewhere is the key to April.”
The idea of death had never really bothered her, even all the times she’d faced it recently. But those times had all been putting up a fight, going down swinging. She did not want to go down here, strapped to a chair like a fucking lab rat. They’d just put her to sleep, start cutting on her and she’d never wake up. She’d just be gone, forever. She hadn’t spoken to her dad since weeks before the trip that landed them in Happytown.
“You’re fucking murderers. You’re not doctors, none of you are. My dad is an FBI agent. He won’t stand for this shit. He’ll find out what you did.”
“You’re right,” Dr. Cassidy said. “He will.” Cassidy walked over to the doorway and pushed open the door. He leaned out and stepped back inside. One man followed him in, it was the old cowboy that had brought her to this hell. Behind him, was her father.
“Daddy?” she whimpered.
“Oh my God. Baby,” he said as he rushed to her side and knelt down.
“Daddy? What’s going on? What is this place? They want to kill me.”
“I know. It’s complicated. Grant here used to be in the Bureau with me years ago. He’d been reassigned and I never saw him again until the other day. I had no idea you were here or that this place even existed. Grant called me and explained you were here. I knew you were special April. I always have. I just had no idea how much.”
“But the swamp at Browneye, that’s when I was able to do this.”
“That was just coincidence. Your grandma was a neuro. Not as strong as you, not by any stretch. I never knew what it was. When I was in high school some men came and took her away. They said she was sick. That was the last any of us had seen of her. My dad didn’t want to talk about it. He looked scared to talk about it. Except a couple years later he said she died in a mental hospital. That was it. It was hard to deal with, but I just went along with it. Guess I was cut out to be a Fed huh? Just buy the bullshit and do what I’m told.”