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Twisted Fairy Tales: An Extreme Horror Collection Page 6
Twisted Fairy Tales: An Extreme Horror Collection Read online
Page 6
"You sure it will be a safe place?"
"Has to be safer than here."
She looked at him and into the black cave opening and took a deep breath. Closing her eyes, she stepped into it but, this time, didn't fall. She stepped right out the other side, but now it was daylight. She was in yet another forest, still naked of course, and looking around. Here the sun shone brightly overhead as birds sang above her. Wherever it was, it was much more pleasant than the last two places.
Up ahead she saw a small cabin. It had to be a hundred yards or so away. She thought she'd head for the cabin when someone startled her.
"Who the fuck are you?" A man screamed. She spun around and didn't see anyone until she looked down. There was a tiny man a few feet away wearing thick work clothes and boots. He was glaring up at her as if she owed him money.
"I'm Alice. Who are you? Where am I?"
"My name is Rage, and you're on my fucking land!"
She looked up to see six more of the small men walking toward her. They were carrying swords, as well as bows and arrows. So much for a safe place.
Snow White
and the
Pissed-Off Dwarfs
Chapter 1
"Wait? What?" Alice asked. "Rage?" All of this was starting to cause some serious mental issues for Alice. Just moments ago she was giving birth to a half wolf baby while being chased by a coven of witches. Now she had this mob of midgets surrounding her ready to skin her alive. "You're just a midget."
"Dwarves!" another one yelled. "We're fucking dwarves, you cunt!"
"You're a foul-mouthed little shit is what you are."
"Hey!" A woman called from behind. There was a young blonde walking toward them. She was a petite and pretty girl wearing some kind of summer dress which looked totally out of place in the woods. "What are you doing here? You some whore who came to get gang fucked by my dwarves?"
"What? What the hell is wrong with you people? I just got here. I don't even know where here is! I'm not out to fuck anyone, especially this band of freaks."
"Who you calling freaks, lady?" one of the dwarves yelled. "We're not the ones standing around naked in the middle of the wood!"
Alice looked down having almost forgotten she was naked. It felt like forever since she'd last worn clothing. No wonder this lady thought she was out looking for sex.
"Look, I'm sorry. I didn't even mean to end up here. I'm not out to hurt or fuck anyone. I'm just trying to go home."
"What do you mean you don't know how you got here?" the woman asked.
"Exactly that. I don't know. It's been a crazy past few months. I was home one day and fell through a rabbit hole, and it's been one bizarre experience after another. I just want to go home. And you think you have some clothes I could borrow? Like anything?"
Looking the group up and down, it was doubtful they'd have anything that would even remotely fit. The dwarves looked over at the woman.
"What do you think Snow?" Rage asked.
"I don't know. Maybe she's not a whore." She crossed her arms. "I don't think I have anything that will fit you. Come inside and we'll see what we can find. If I send you off into the woods like that the queen will have you killed for sure."
"Yes, the Queen. She rules this land and isn't very nice about it. She especially hates other women; especially moderately attractive women who happen to be running around naked. She's been after me for a while. That's why we keep moving. She has a band of huntsmen out looking for me at all hours."
"Jealousy, I guess."
"She's a queen? Why is she jealous?"
"Jesus lady, you ask enough fucking questions?" Snow said. "I don't know. I'm not the bitch's mom ok? She's a bitter, crusty hag who hates cute girls. That's all there is to it. She burns us at the stake. I've seen it. It's not pretty, and it stinks."
"Yeah, wow. So let's come inside so I can get you some clothes. Oh, and I'm Snow White."
"Hi. I'm Alice."
They went into the cabin where Snow White dug through and found a large men's shirt and some boots.
"These belonged to a huntsman one of the dwarves killed. Don't ask me why they took his clothes."
Alice pulled the shirt and buttoned it up. It was rather long on her, but it was something. The boots mostly fit. At least she wouldn't be running barefoot through the woods. Once she was somewhat dressed one of the dwarves stuck his head inside.
"Hey, Snow! We got company! A huntsman is headed this way!"
"How did they find us already? We just got here?"
"I don't know, but he looks determined. Grab what you can and we can head out."
She grabbed clothing and stuffed them into a large sack. The dwarves were scrambling around when the thunder of horses hooves grew louder.
"Shit! We're not going to make it," Snow said as she grabbed the sack over her shoulder and ran outside. Just as they got out of the cabin, a single horse appeared with a rider wearing tattered black armor. Snow White and the dwarves all froze, waiting for several more to arrive. Fortunately, no other huntsman arrived. This one looked huge sitting on horseback. He had long black hair and a thick beard.
"Going somewhere?" he asked.
"Just away from you," Snow White said. "How did you find us?"
"She led me to you." He pointed at Alice. Immediately Snow White and the dwarves turned and looked at her like she'd just eaten their first born.
"Me? How?"
"When you fell from the sky. I followed to where I saw you falling, and here we are. Don't worry Snow. I'll pretend I didn't see you this time. The Queen just wants her."
"What? Why?" Alice asked.
"Because people don't just fall out of the sky around here on a regular basis. The Queen likes magic, and if there is some she can extract from you, then she plans to. And I will be paid nicely."
"I'm not going with you anywhere, am I guys?" She looked around only to see the dwarves walking up and grabbing her, dragging her toward the huntsman's horse. The huntsman grabbed her and threw her on back. She held on since it felt like she was ten feet off the ground.
"I'll take her back to the queen. I'll give you all twenty-four hours to move on. I will be back then. Later for now!" They raced away on the horse. Alice had hoped it was a short ride, but they rode for hours. By the time they reached the Queen's castle, night had fallen, and the sun was starting to rise. The castle was huge. It was shiny as if it were made from all mirrors. There were towers on all sides and archers lined up along the top. As they approached, a group of guards opened the gate as they rode into the courtyard. Though she wasn't entirely sure what she had just walked into.
In the courtyard, it was an orgy of sex and torture. There were naked men and women in a pile on one side, all moaning and writhing with pleasure. That was until a man walked up and doused them with the pitch and lit them on fire with a torch. Their moans soon turned to screams as the smell of burned hair and flesh filled the air.
On a stage as a man whose head and arms were in the stocks. The man was naked and behind him, a woman had inserted a broom handled into his asshole and was pounding it in with a wooden mallet. Oddly, the man was crying and moaning with each new blow.
"Looks like fun, eh?" the huntsman said.
"Not really."
"Oh come on. Don't be so vanilla. You might like something new."
She wasn't about to announce she had fucked a werewolf very recently and even gave birth to a half wolf baby. None of those things sounded vanilla. Hell, after being railed by the wolf, she wasn't sure if any man could please her again.
"Yeah, I think I'm good."
They arrived at a large mirrored gate. One guard approached the huntsman.
"State your name!" he called out.
"I am Doyle, the Queen's Huntsman."
"Yes. She is expecting you. Proceed!"
The gate swung open revealing a dark tunnel. They headed
into the blackness as the gates closed behind him. Whatever the Queen wanted her for, Alice hoped it was something that didn't involve orgies or rape. She'd had enough of that to last her a lifetime. It was doubtful, though. Another gate opened, and they were inside the main castle. There were marble floors with a huge stairwell. Doyle climbed down and pulled Alice down, and they started for the staircase. She followed him up the stairs as it wound around the tower. Her legs began to burn as it felt as if the stairs had no end. They finally reached a set of double doors guarded by two more men who opened the doors for them. Once inside, Alice saw what must have been the Queen dressed in a tight leather catsuit. The chest was cut out of it, so her breasts were exposed, and they were crotchless. She held a leash on which a naked man was crawling around on all fours with a ball gag in his mouth. She stopped and looked at them and put one of her high heels on the back of the man's neck.
"Oh, you guys are just in time! We were just getting started!"
Chapter 2
"Getting started with what?" Alice asked, not really wanting to know. The Queen kicked the man in the back of the head knocking him to the floor flat on his face and walked toward the pair. She looked Alice up and down.
"And who might you be?"
"I'm Alice."
"She's the one who fell from the sky. I found her wandering around the woods," Doyle explained. "I figured you'd want to see her."
"Oh yes. You figured right," The Queen answered. "So where did you come from?"
"I came from Texas originally."
"Texas? What kind of ridiculous name is that? And where is it?"
"I don't know where it is from here. I fell down a rabbit hole and keep ending up in strange places."
"Strange? You're wearing whatever it is you are wearing and calling us strange? Oh well. I may have some use for you. Doyle, take her to my servant's quarters and have them clean her up. Can't have one of my maidservants wandering around dressed like some miscreant."
"Maidservant?" Alice protested.
"Yes, my Queen," Doyle said. "Let's go."
"What? No! I'm not going anywhere. Who does this bitch think she is?"
"You don't want to do that. Trust me. Let's go."
"I'm not anyone's servant. I'm not even from here!"
The Queen took a step forward and glared at Alice.
"Perhaps you'd like to look into my mirror? Not many people can look into it and ever look away."
"Your mirror?"
Doyle grabbed her arm and pulled.
"Let's go! Now!"
She finally turned and began walking with Doyle until they were out of the Queen's chambers. As they headed to the servant quarters, Alice had several questions.
"What was that about her mirror?"
"She has a magic mirror," Doyle said.
"Magic mirror? Like it can do tricks?"
"More like black magic."
"Are you serious?"
"Very. It's not funny. I've taken people before the mirror before. It's not pleasant."
"What happens?"
"I was outside the room when it happened, but I heard the screams. And the people I took there were never seen again. So I don't imagine it's a good thing."
"Damn is right."
They reached the bottom of the stairs and Doyle led her to the right and through a large wooden door. There was a woman maybe twenty years older than Alice. She was an attractive woman with long blonde hair pulled back and wearing a long but dirty dress.
"Morgan. This is Alice. The Queen sent her to you for orientation."
"Oh, a new maidservant! Great!"
Alice wanted to scream the next time she heard the word "maidservant." She had never been anyone's servant ever. She wasn't about to start now.
"Let me get a look at you." The woman took Alice by the shoulders and looked her up and down. "She's kind of chubby. You're not from here, are you?"
"No, I'm not, what a brilliant observation."
"Yeah. No one around here gets enough food to ever get this fat."
"I'm not fat! I'm a little chubby yes, but doesn't make me fat."
"Oh relax. Looks kind of good on you."
"I'll leave you two to get acquainted," Doyle said as he stepped out.
"First, you look filthy," Morgan said. "And you stink. So we need to clean you up. Girls!" Two younger women appeared from another room. They were dressed the same as Morgan. One had curly red hair and freckles. The other was black with short hair.
"This is Ingrid and Isa. They'll help me cleaning you up. Right, this way." Morgan pointed to another room. In that room was a small pool in the center. It was a pool or a giant bathtub, with suds floating on the top. Ingrid and Isa began unbuttoning her shirt and slowly removed it. She stepped out of her boots on her own as the girls led her into the water. Part of her wanted to argue or struggle, but Morgan was right. She did stink, and she was filthy. A bath might feel good. The three servant women all removed their clothes and joined her in the bath.
Except she wasn't a lesbian and wasn't sure if she wanted three strange girls feeling her up. Yet, for some reason, she was enjoying the attention from them. The water was warm as she stepped into the bath. The water was waist deep once she reached the last step. Ingrid and Isa, she wasn't sure which was which, began dipping their hands into the water, and then sprinkling it along Alice's body. Morgan dipped her hands and began massaging her back and shoulders. It felt magnificent. Alice had never had this many hands on her at once.
Her skin tingled as the two girls ran their hands all over her body, cupping her breasts and massaging her neck as Morgan's hands moved along the small of her back, gliding down her ass and even gave it a squeeze. She closed her eyes and tried to enjoy the contact. It felt good, really good. She'd never been spoiled this way before. Her eyes shot open when she felt Moran's fingers slid in between her legs. Morgan's fingertips immediately went to her clit as the pleasure hit her body like a tidal wave.
She shuddered as Morgan worked her clit with such skill she felt her knees buckle. Ingrid and Isa held onto her arms as Morgan continued massaging before sliding two fingers inside of Alice. She moaned and trembled as Morgan fingered her pussy while one of the other girls massaged her clit while the third teased her nipples. Alice twitched and gasped until she was cumming harder than she ever thought possible. Morgan didn't stop, though. She continued fingering her as the girls kept up their magic until she came three more times.
By the time they were done, the girls had to help Alice from the bath. She could hardly walk, yet she felt euphoric. One of the girls wrapped a large towel around her as they walked her over to the bed. They helped her into the bed, and all three climbed in with her while pulling the covers up over themselves. She had never felt more satisfied or content in her life. She was sure the rest of being a maidservant was not going to be pleasant. So she tried to enjoy this while she could as she drifted off to sleep.
Chapter 3
"Wake up! Wake the fuck up!" a man kept screaming. Alice tossed and turned before rolling over and looking up to see a strange man wearing all black standing over the bed.
"Who are you? Where are the girls?" she asked.
"Playtime is over. Get dressed. Time to work."
"Work? Work doing what?"
"You'll see. Get dressed. Your clothes are here."
He pointed to a chair with a large drab dress hanging over it. Alice got out of bed, still naked but not even caring who saw her anymore and pulled the dress on. She put the poufy bonnet on her head, tucking her hair in and followed the man. She was nervous to see what was in store for her this time. Each time she’d gone through a portal, she’d ended up in some place more and more bizarre. She didn't even want to imagine what was next.
He led her back into the queen's chamber. In the center of the room was a naked man tied to a large rack, but he was standing upright with his arms stretched out to the sides. He had a ball gag in his mouth and wire tied around his ba
lls with a set of weights dangling from beneath them. His body was quivering as she stepped in.
"What the hell?"
"There you are," The queen called from the corner of the room. Today she had on a pair of black stockings, long black gloves and nothing else. She was holding a poker over the fireplace where the tip was glowing red hot. "I'll be needing your assistance. All servants must prove their loyalty."
"Loyalty? I just met you yesterday."
"You think you're clever, but you are not," the queen answered as she walked toward Alice carrying the poker. "Here," she said handing it to Alice. Alice took it by the handle and looked at her. The tip was glowing bright red.
"What am I doing with this?"
"You're going to shove it up his ass."
The man's eyes went wide as he grunted through the ball gag.
"What? What the hell for?"
"Because I told you to. You know. That whole loyalty thing."
Alice rolled her eyes.
"Besides, look at him. He likes it." The queen walked up to the man, held out her hand and dug her claws into his chest, drawing blood with her nails as she scratched him clear down to his stomach. As she did so, the man groaned as his eyes rolled back into his head. Alice was starting to wish she'd stayed in Wonderland. She walked around behind him and waved the poker over his bare bottom.
"There you go," the queen nodded. "Do it! Don't just think about it."
Alice shook her head as she held the poker over him, the man's cheeks trembling as the heat warmed them. She took a deep breath and thrust it into his asshole as hard as she could. The man let out a squeal through the gag as the queen stood laughing and clapping. The smell of burning flesh filled the room as Alice pushed it in as far as she could go. The man struggled against his restraints as he kicked thrashed and twitched. After almost a minute Alice pulled it back out. The tip of the poker was covered with chunks of burned flesh and tissue.
"Excellent! That was so exciting!" The queen squealed.