Escape from Happytown (April Almighty Book 3) Read online

Page 7

  “I guess two women got in an argument, and one started shooting but decided to kill everyone.”

  “Jesus Christ. Slight overreaction.”

  “You can say that.”

  “Did the camera catch anything?”

  “Yeah, they’re in back reviewing it right now. Right this way,” the officer said. Grant followed him to the back office were a couple detectives were around the monitor. Grant stepped in to take a look. They were just at the part where the shooting begun. Grant took a closer look and saw the girl’s face. Son of a bitch. It was the girl who’d been with April in Happytown. He could have taken her out too, but that wasn’t his job at the time. Not like he knew she as a homicidal psycho at the time anyway. Regardless, it wasn’t April, though it didn’t sit well with him this nut was in town also. Would just make his job harder with the cops even more on edge.

  He slipped out the back and circled back around to his truck. Once he was in he headed back to the highway and toward downtown. He had a feeling April would stick to the densely populated parts of town, like downtown or maybe the parks. Somewhere it would be harder for him or others from the organization to make a scene. Though he’d done takedowns in the middle of supermarket, he was familiar with the thinking. Though April didn’t think like other neuros, or anyone for that matter.

  As he drove he thought about he and Bobby’s conversation. It was true, Bobby had called him after she’d disappeared on the road trip. Happytown was a bizarre place with one of those mysterious Funhouses. Bobby was familiar with them too. Grant didn’t know much about them other than the feds tolerated them spread out in some tiny towns around the country. When Bobby heard what happened to this one, he knew it had to be April. He’d said they tried to fuck with her, which of course, that’s what the Funhouses do. But in typical April fashion, she literally shredded everyone with a chainsaw.

  The girl was not afraid to get her hands dirty, that was for sure. Unlike most neuros, she wasn’t just a puppet master, she was the whole damn show. Suddenly the scanner squawked to life. This time there was a disturbance at The Alamo. The Alamo? They said a women in a skimpy shirt and shorts was giving security a hard time and assaulted several of them, but no one could subdue her. That’s April. No idea why she’s at The Alamo, but he headed that direction.

  Most are familiar with the story of the Alamo and the huge standoff between the Texans and Mexican army in 1836. The Mexican army killed everyone there, including Davey Crockett. They were later captured or killed by Sam Houston and his men, but “Remember the Alamo” was a cry Texans still remembered.

  Since that time, the rest of downtown San Antonio had sprung up around the old battle site. It looked quite strange really. You see this 1800’s mission and across the street is a wax museum and a movie theatre. Inside the Alamo was mostly a gift shop along with a courtyard and some old displays. It was strictly a tourist attraction, so no telling what April was doing there and fighting with security. He would find out soon enough.

  Chapter 18

  “Hal, I like you dude, but you need to chill the fuck out,” Isis said. They were on the south side of San Antonio having stopped at a little café. Hal wanted to keep going, but Isis insisted they stop for breakfast. Mass shootings made her extremely hungry for some reason. While she was sure no one had seen them, Hal seemed to think a cop was ready to jump out at them at every corner.

  The dude was cute and had been fun to be around, but he was starting to piss her off. At this point, she really didn’t care if the cops came for her. Granted she wanted to have as much fun as long as she could, but if the cops showed up for her, she is taking as many out as she can before they get to her.

  “I’m sorry. This is just, I never killed anyone before,” he said.

  “You haven’t. I have.”

  “Yes but I was your getaway car. That makes me an accessory!”

  “Dude, no one saw you. They aren’t coming for us, just fucking drop it ok? Have some fun. You got any weed?”

  “No, I don’t drive around with it.”

  “Shit. We need to get you some, get you to chill. If you don’t, I’ll have to fucking kill you.”


  “Hey. Let’s go fuck some more in the back of your truck,” she suggested.

  “What? Now?”

  “Hell yeah now. I’m pretty turned on from earlier. Talk about a rush.”

  “Jesus, you are a crazy bitch.”

  “Yep! You liked it before.”

  “That was before I knew you were a kill crazy psycho.”

  “Hey, don’t judge. Let’s go.”

  She stood and walked him to his rig while holding his hand. They climbed into the back where his cot was and she undid his pants. Reaching her hand down the front, she took out his cock and began stroking. He didn’t get very hard at all. So she leaned in and inserted it into her mouth, sucking the tip while running her tongue along his shaft, all while massaging his balls. Still nothing. Earlier he’d gotten rock hard. Now his dick was like a limp noodle.

  “What the fuck is wrong? You don’t like me all a sudden?” she asked.

  “No, it’s not that. I told you, I’m not used to this kind of crazy action. Shit. You gunned down all those people. So am I your hostage or what?”

  “No honey, I told you I like you. You’re fun.”

  “Can we just go our separate ways? I won’t talk to the cops or anything.”

  “Oh Hal!” she said as she jumped off him and climbed into the front seat. “You are such a fucking pussy. Just start the truck. Let’s get out of here.”

  “You’re not gonna let me go are you?”

  “Just get my ass to Mexico. Then we’ll talk about your future.”

  Without another word he started the truck and pulled out of the café’s lot. She turned on the radio where she heard the first reports of her earlier shooting.

  “You hear that shit? That’s us! They’re talking about us!”

  “Yeah, and the cops and Texas Rangers and Feds are looking for us. Holy shit. I’m so fucking dead. We both are. You know that don’t you.”

  She rolled her eyes, not entirely sure why she hadn’t killed him already. As much of an annoying bitch as he was, there was something sweet about him too, but she knew at the rate he was going, it wouldn’t be long. It didn’t help matters when police lights appeared behind them.

  “Shit! You see that? Shit! It’s the cops!”

  “Just chill. Maybe you were just speeding,” she said.

  “Hell no. There’s six of them, all with their lights on. They know it’s us. Shit. I’m not going to prison. I’m definitely not dying in prison.”

  “Just speed up,” she said. “Quit driving so slow, and gun this thing.”

  “It’s an eighteen-wheeler. I’m not gonna outrun a bunch of cops. Plus I’m sure they got a road block up ahead.”

  “Fucking gun it I said!” she screamed sticking the gun against the side of his head. He looked at her and stomped on the accelerator, shifting gear as the engine screamed while they picked up speed. The police cars sped up, one pulled up alongside them as Hal swerved, crowding the cop into the other lane. Sure enough way up ahead he saw a road block and it was a big one. There was a SWAT truck and officers with shotgun and rifles lined up aiming at them.

  “You see that! We’re fucked!” he yelled.

  Isis pressed the gun harder into his temple.

  “Not as fucked as you’ll be if you don’t stop acting like such a pussy and drive!”

  He glanced at her again, this time, grabbing the barrel of the gun and pressed it to his forehead and squeezed her finger.

  “Hey!” she yelled right before the gun went off, splattering Hal’s brains all over the driver’s side window. Instantly the truck began to veer wildly along both lanes as the road block got closer. Police began opening fire on the truck as Isis grabbed the wheel trying to exercise some control over the rig, but Hal’s dead body had flopped over the wheel as his foot pre
ssed harder on the pedal, increasing their speed even more.

  Gunshots bounced off the truck as some came through the windshield. Isis ducked as she felt the truck crashing through the roadblock, veering rapidly from side to side as the left side of the vehicle came off the ground. It jerked wildly to the right smashing through the guardrail and into a field where it landed on the passenger’s side and slid to a halt. Isis was now lying on her side, she felt something in her side crack, she wasn’t sure what it was, but it hurt like hell.

  Hal’s dead body was on top of her, pressing her against the window as she struggled to breath. She heard footsteps approaching and officers’ shouting orders to each other as she looked around but the gun was lying by the gas pedal under Hal’s feet. So much for going down in that blaze of glory.

  Chapter 19

  April couldn’t believe it; of all the places to run out of gas, it had to be downtown right in front of the Alamo. She pulled the car to the edge of the street, and jumped out before some parking attendant yelled at her. The street across from the Alamo was lined with stores and tourist attractions. She ran across the street and figured she’d head inside the old mission for a while. At least there was a large crowd there and no one would attempt anything.

  That and they’d expect her to be on the run, not sticking around nearby, though finding the car might tip them off. She hoped they’d be expecting her to get on a bus or something to get far away, not hang out under their noses. As she walked through Alamo Plaza, there were tour buses parked all over and packs of elderly people and school groups lined up to get inside.

  She approached the main entrance and attempted to slip in unnoticed.

  “Excuse me, ma’am you can’t go in there,” the doorman said. So much for unnoticed.

  “Why not? There’s no fee to get in.”

  “You’re not wearing shoes.”

  For fucks sake.

  “Yeah I was attacked earlier, I barely got away.”

  “So you came to the Alamo?”

  “Fine, whatever,” she said as she began to walk away.

  “Hey beautiful, you need some help?” some guy said from behind her. She was just a few feet from the Alamo when he ran up and grabbed her arm. He was older, maybe in his fifties, with super long hair and a beard, wearing a biker vest and board shorts. Strange ensemble or whatever.

  “No, thank you. Just having a rough day. I’ll be fine,” she said as she tried to turn away, but he grabbed her arm again. “Could you not touch me please?”

  “You wanna go grab some coffee or food or something. There is a real nice place just down the street.”

  Now she was getting irritated. She looked and felt like shit, yet this guy was still hitting on her.

  “No. Thank you. Now please let me leave.”

  “Wow, look, you fucking bitch. I’m being real nice here. You look like you just got roughed up turning tricks and your skanky ass is going to be a bitch to me? Fuck you.” He squeezed her arm tighter and began to drag her away.

  “Let go of me!” she demanded.

  “I’m going to teach you some fucking manners. Skanks like you are a dime a dozen. You don’t get to talk to me this way.”

  “Seriously, you don’t want to do this.”

  “Or what bitch? What’re you going to do?”

  Without answering, she concentrated on him.. A bulge appeared in his shorts as he doubled over, grunting and moaning.

  “What the fuck? What’s happening?”

  “You’re mine now asshole,” she said.

  After a few minutes, the guy was gyrating as he ejaculated in his own shorts. As he lie there breathing heavy, he looked up at her scared and confused. April looked around and spotted a couple of San Antonio police officers standing on the corner talking.

  “Go jump one of those cops, get his gun and then shoot the other one,” she ordered.

  He stood, trying to resist the order, but physically unable to.

  “What’s going on? I don’t want to jump a cop! Why can’t I stop myself?” he yelled as he ran to the officers. He tackled one of them and began struggling for his gun. The officer on the ground tried to fight the man off, but the man was too strong. The second officer tried to struggle with him as well, but the man got the gun away and jumped to his feet. The second officer drew his gun and fired, shooting April’s attacker, killing him instantly.

  The crowd around the Alamo began to scream and scurry around. Amid the commotion she ran inside toward the building, but another officer saw her running and took off after her. She burst through the door and into the hall of the old mission. People were screaming as more gunshots rang out from somewhere. So much for a low profile. She turned a corner and there was another cop with his Taser out. She stopped but he shot her, striking her between the breasts with the prongs. The current coursed through her, knocking her flat on her back.

  The other officer ran up and handcuffed her. She could have used her ability on the cops, but they were already on high alert as it was. She didn’t want to really set them off, nor did she want to actually hurt a police officer. Sending that asshole after them was just a way to get him shot. Besides, a few hours in jail, she could at least get a nap in and maybe something to eat. At least she didn’t think the assholes from that research place could get her there. When she was ready to leave, she could always just make them let her out.

  “What’s your hurry? I saw you fighting with that guy before he attacked my partner. Want to tell me what that was about?” the cop said as he pulled her to her feet.

  “He burned my toast at breakfast this morning,” April replied.

  “Cute. Well you can cool off in a holding cell until we sort this out.” As he walked her outside, she considered using her phone call to call her dad. Trouble was, she wasn’t sure if her dad was still on her side. Why would he not tell her about being a neuro and his cowboy pal or maybe that people would want to kill her? It was too much to think about. She pushed the thought to the back of her mind as the officer shoved her into the back of his car and shut the door.

  Chapter 20

  Isis limped into the holding cell. There were two other women sitting in there, one of them looked really familiar.

  “Don’t I know you?” she said to April.

  “Probably not,” April answered.

  “Yes I do. You’re the chick from that crazy town. What the hell? That weird cowboy dude came and got you.”

  “Yeah, that was rather fucked.”

  “What was that? Was he a cop?”

  “Not exactly. Why are you here?” April asked.

  “I killed some people.”

  “Some people?”

  “Had a bit of an incident at a convenience store,” Isis said.

  “I bet. You’re a crazy bitch.”

  “Whatever. So what are you in for?”

  “Long story,” April said.

  Isis remembered April as being pretty, but sitting there against the wall she looked more beautiful, even though she was filthy and looked exhausted. Isis moved closer to her. They were the only two women in the cell for the time being. Isis wasn’t sure why she was feeling turned on all of a sudden. She was fairly certain April wasn’t doing her thing to her.

  “Hey,” Isis said. “Are you doing that thing to me?”

  “What thing?”

  “You know. That thing you do to people.”

  “No. Why?”

  “I feel horny as hell for some reason.”

  Isis had only ever been with maybe two girls in her life. Both had been fun, but nothing to get overly excited over. She didn’t consider herself bisexual though. It had been more of an experimental thing. Isis walked closer to April and leaned on the wall next to her.

  “What?” April asked.

  “You’re really hot, you know that?” she said while stroking April’s hair.

  “Yeah. I do know.”

  She expected April to pull away, but the girl looked as if she needed the comfort. He
ll, the girl was tied up naked in a barn when she’d found her. No telling what kind of horror she’d been through recently. Isis had been through plenty of her own. She knew that look when she saw it.

  April turned and looked at her. The second her huge blue eyes locked in with Isis’ gaze, her pussy was immediately drenched. There was something special about this girl, that much was certain.

  Isis leaned in and kissed April on the lips. Much to her surprise, April returned the kiss. Isis put her hand on the back of April’s head as they kissed deeply and passionately. Her hands sliding all up and down April’s body as their breathing increased. April’s body was firm, yet soft, and perfect in every way. As she worked her hands around, she slid her hand down April’s shorts, and teased her clit.

  April’s blue eyes went wide, as she gasped with each flick of Isis’ finger. Isis then slid two fingers inside of April who gasped as she continued kissing Isis. As her breathing picked up, April slid her hand up Isis’ shorts as Isis felt her soft fingers slip inside of her. It felt so good. As April worked her fingers in and out of her, she couldn’t help but wonder how many girls April had been with. They continued to finger each other, more intensely, faster and faster as they held each other close. Finally they both hit their climax together. As they calmed down, they sat there holding each other.

  Isis pulled away and looked at April who for a moment looked confused, Isis was about to speak when the door slid open and the old cowboy stepped into the cell.

  “Well look here,” he said. “It’s like we got a family reunion.” He looked Isis up and down. “Hope I’m not interrupting anything.” He nodded toward Isis. “Sounds like I should have taken care of you while I still had the chance.”

  “Well good thing you didn’t I guess,” Isis replied.

  “You got some real balls coming here,” April said. “How do you know I won’t use my ability on you?”

  “I figured you only got arrested because you wanted to. Trying anything on me here, sure you could. But would draw a lot of attention. Attention I know you don’t want.”