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Escape from Happytown (April Almighty Book 3) Page 8
Escape from Happytown (April Almighty Book 3) Read online
Page 8
“So why are you here? You obviously got pull. You gonna kill me right here and say I killed myself?”
The cowboy laughed as Isis tried to figure out what they were talking about.
“Let’s call this neutral turf for now, shall we? I wanted to tell you that things weren’t supposed to go like that with you.”
“Oh right, you were supposed to kill me there on the table.”
“Look. Normally my job is to take out you people on site. I could have done that easily back at the cabin. But they said you’re special or some shit.”
“That’s what I hear. So instead of just shooting me, you take me in to be cut open like some lab rat. But hey! At least you brought my dad in to say goodbye. Is he the one who sold me out?” April asked.
“You’re making this way too complicated. They just told me they wanted to run some tests. Here’s the thing. I got a lot of pull around here. I’m going to get the paperwork around to have you transferred into my custody. Then we’ll go from there.”
“Why are you telling me this?”
“Like you said! You’re special. I’ve been doing this job for thirty years. Gotten pretty damn good at it too. Too damn good. I need a challenge. Though catching you at the cabin was pretty easy. In all fairness you had no idea me or the company existed. Now you do. So it’ll be more fun that way. So you got a few hours to take all that in.” He stepped out of the cell and nodded to Isis.
“What the fuck was that all about?” Isis asked. “Special? What’d he mean by you’re special?” Isis looked April up and down. Sure she was hot, but unless she had gold plated tits or a pussy made of platinum, there wasn’t anything special about the bitch.
“Like I said, long story.”
“You know, I’m trying to be nice to you bitch. I helped you back in that little fucked up town. I could have left you hanging.”
“You’re right. I’m sorry,” April pulled her hair back and tied it into a ponytail. “Want to help each other out again?”
Isis’ curiosity was piqued. If she didn’t break out of jail, she’d get the needle for sure.
“Ok, help how?”
“I know a way out of here. I can make you help me if you want to or not. If you can keep it together, you can just help me out on your own and once we are out of here, you go back to whatever you were doing.”
“Ok. Most of that made no sense. So what did you have in mind?”
“Give me a second,” April said as she walked over to the cell door. There were several officers standing around the booking area, both male and female. She closed her eyes and in a matter of seconds, all of them had fallen to the ground, grabbing their crotches, writhing and moaning until they each orgasmed. Isis watched in bizarre fascination.
“What in the actual fuck? Holy shit! Are you doing that?” Isis asked.
April didn’t reply as several officers walked to the cell and opened the door, letting the girls out.
“Take us out of here,” she said to them.
“I can’t,” the male guard said.
“You can and you will,” April answered. He turned and began leading them out into a hallway.
“Fuck! What is wrong with me?” he yelled as he walked to a metal door and unlocked it.
“Just not your day boss,” April said.
“He’s cute. Can I keep him?” Isis asked.
“No. I don’t kill for fun.”
“Oh, all judgy now are we? You’re like fucking Carrie except you mind rape people. I bet you’ve killed more people than me.”
April grew quiet as they continued walking. Bingo. Isis figured her and this April chick will either be good friends, or she’s gonna have to kill the bitch. She was an incredible lay. No guy or girl had ever made her come that hard. And that was hurried in a jail cell. Isis shuddered to think what they could do together alone in an actual bed. Either way Isis liked to enjoy the ride wherever it ended up. Though she was positive nothing about this series of events was going to end well for any of them.
After a few more turns, they were walking through the kitchen and out into a loading bay. The officer stood looking at them, terrified.
“They’re going to put me in prison. They’ll think I helped you escape,” he said. April ignored him and put out her hand. “Car keys,” she said.
He dug into his pocket and handed her a set of keys.
“Which one is it?”
“It’s a red Prius.”
“Are you fucking kidding me?” April said. “A Prius?”
“My wife wanted it. She’s a Democrat.”
“Whatever,” April said as they turned and left him standing there.
Isis couldn’t stop giggling.
“That’s funny as shit. So you can, like, make people do whatever you want?”
“Something like that.”
“That is fucking awesome! Can you teach me? Like how do you do it?’
The doors to the Prius chirped and they squeezed in to the tiny car.
“I can’t teach it. I just do it. Like I can’t teach you to grow a dick. You either have it or you don’t,” April explained.
“Trippy. Where we going? I need to get to Mexico.”
“Why Mexico?”
“It’s not here.”
“Good point. I need to make a stop first. You can have the car once I get there.”
“What kind of stop?”
“I have to kill a bunch of bad people.”
Chapter 21
April drove the Prius through the midday traffic. She kept hitting her head in the tiny car every time they moved or swerved. Isis seemed to be having way too good of a time as the car weaved through the streets until they arrived at Jericho Systems.
“So what are you doing here?”
“I’m going to kill these motherfuckers.”
“You just gonna walk right in the front door and start wasting fuckers?” Isis asked. April glared at her as Isis nodded. “Oh, right. You’re gonna do that to everyone in there?”
“What if some of them don’t know what goes on there? You just gonna kill them too?”
April almost burst into laughter. The idea of Isis lecturing her on the morality of revenge killing was not even funny. The girl so far had just wasted people for no more than being in her way or talking shit. Now she wanted to get all high and mighty on April.
Isis did have a point, and April was sure at some point all of the bloodshed in the past week would take its toll on her. So far, she hadn’t had a minute to sit and reflect on it. It was hard on her after everything in Browneye, all the people she’d killed. After what she did to Happytown and what she was about to do would make that look like a day at the park.
There was always the option to not go into Jericho Systems and waste everyone, but the mere knowledge that they do what they do in plain sight in such a calculated and organized fashion made her blood boil. No, just no. Everyone working there was guilty. If they didn’t know they should know. So fuck all of them.
“I don’t really give a shit. They are all dying, and it’s gonna hurt. A lot.”
“You’re a hard core bitch,” Isis said.
April ignored her as they started walking inside. She got to the door and realized Isis was behind her.
“What are you doing? Take the car and get out of here,” April said.
“Hell no. I’m not missing this. You kidding?”
“Suit yourself,” April said as she pushed the door open and stepped inside. There was a uniformed police officer inside talking to a man in a suit. Just hours before had been the shooting with the security guy. Looked like they were mostly cleaned up, so good timing on her part.
The woman at the desk gave April a strange look as she stood.
“Excuse me miss, aren’t you that girl who...” she began, but April glared at her, instantly doubling the woman over into the orgasm. Even though she wasn’t using her ability on Isis, the girl looked almost as turned on as the woman
she was tormenting. A security guard walked over, but April turned her gaze at him, and in an instant, everyone in the lobby was once again erupting in their own bizarre world of sexual torments.
Isis ran over and grabbed the guard’s gun and extra magazines, without hesitating she shot the guard in the face three times.
“Jesus! I was gonna use him!” April said.
“There’s plenty more.”
“Don’t piss me off. You’re not exempt here if you fuck with me,” April said as she looked around at her new mind slaves.
“Get up every one! We’re clearing this fucking building.” They all stood looking scared and confused. April lead them to the stairwell where they headed to the second floor which was all offices. There were cubicles and larger offices there.
“What’s going on here? You aren’t cleared to be up here!” a man in a suit said who suddenly doubled over himself. He never got to finish his orgasm though as April ordered one of the women over to stab him in the throat with a letter opener. Blood oozed out as the man gurgled and gyrated on the floor. She shouted out commands to the rest of her minions who now numbered almost fifty.
Isis ran from office to office dragging people out. She bent one suited man who looked like he could be her grandpa over a desk and pulled his pants down, shoved the gun up his ass and fired. The bullet tore through his guts and ripped out his back. Even the ones under April’s control became ill, some vomited right on the floor.
“Lick that shit up!” April ordered to one woman.
“Why? Why are you doing this?”
“You treat people like fucking animals! So you can see what it’s like before you die. Fucking eat it!”
The woman tried to resist but she knelt onto the floor and began licking up her own vomit, though she gagged and threw up again halfway through.
“Eat it again and keep it down. I can do this all day. No one can fucking stop me. Do you understand? Do you know who has come for you today? You guys wanted to cut me open like some science project. Guess what, you fucked with the wrong bitch.”
“Please!” another said to her. “Most of us just do office stuff. I’m an accountant for God’s sake! We don’t even know what they do upstairs.”
“Bullshit!” April said.
“Let’s waste them all April!” Isis called out.
“Nah, they can waste each other.”
In a few moments many of them were stripping naked and cutting, slashing and raping each other with various office supplies. The entire floor was filled with screaming and wailing as more security ran in from upstairs wearing their black BDU outfits. April immediately seized them with her mind. Each of them falling to the ground. She had them all strip off the balaclavas they wore. She assumed to instill fear into their own employees as well as their test subjects.
After several more minutes of having her slaves rape and assault each other, the ones who could still walk were ordered up to the third floor.
“What about the ones who can’t walk?” Isis asked.
“Kill them,” April said as Isis opened fire on each of them. Isis stripped the MP-5’s from the security guards and slung two of them over her shoulders as she shot one in the nuts just for fun. They got to the third floor which was extremely quiet.
After a quick search, a couple people were found hiding in offices and under desks. They weren’t worth bothering with, so she had Isis shoot them. The rest of the group were all crying and blubbering; the noise was giving her a headache.
“Shut the fuck up! All of you! Next person to cry, bitch or moan I’ll have your coworker cut our asshole out and feed it to you!” she screamed.
The next several floors were also fairly dead. April figured people were all moving up to the higher floors which were more secure. That all changed when they got to the tenth floor. She was glad she’d had her slaves go through the stairs first. There were dozens of security guards waiting for them and opening fire, killing them and piling up bodies in the doorway.
April managed to reach out to them, taking control of all of them as well. This time there were some medical staff on the floor, most of whom tried to run, but to no avail. Among them was her old pal, Doctor Cassidy. He looked much less prim and proper since she’d last seen him. His hair was unkempt and clothes disheveled as she approached him shortly after causing him to jizz himself.
“April? I figured you’d be long gone,” he said. “Why are you here?”
“What does it look like? I’m going to kill you all.”
“Why? We were only trying to help you. I tried to help you.”
“If that is your version of help doc, you are incredibly fucked up. Might want to re-read your Hippocratic Oath. I’m pretty sure it doesn’t involve cutting people’s brains out to be studied.”
“Look, just let me explain!”
“No. No explaining needed,” she said as she turned and pointed at a tall black man in a lab coat. “You,” she said. “Come here and cut your own heart out.”
“What?” he asked but helplessly moved toward her.
“Did I stutter asshole? Get the fuck over here and cut out your fucking heart. Doctor Cassidy is going to have some lunch.”
The man sat down next to Cassidy, picked up a scalpel from one of the tables and began cutting into his own chest, screaming as he dug through the bone and flesh.
“Don’t slip, I want to see how far you get before you die.”
“Wow,” Isis said. “I thought I was fucked up.”
April really hated hearing Isis compare her to herself. As far as she was concerned they were nothing alike. April had her ability of course and there was a valid reason for every person she killed and how she killed them. Isis was just crazy. At least that is what April had been telling herself. The longer she watched her current prey digging his own heart out of his chest while be bled, cried and screamed, she began to wonder if she was completely losing her mind.
Chapter 22
Grant walked into the lobby after watching April and Isis come tearing through. He had to admit, this hadn’t been where he’d expected them to go. Once he left the jail, he parked down the street waiting to see if she would attempt an escape, and sure enough she did. What he hadn’t expected was for them to double back to Jericho and from what he saw just in the lobby, they had wreaked some havoc which was still ongoing.
Not to his surprise, his phone began to ring.
“Storm,” he said.
“What the fuck is going on?” the man screamed. That man was Harold Cork, one of the wealthiest men in the country. Harold was also the biggest shareholder of Jericho Systems and its parent companies and subsidiaries.
“I figured she’d try to break out of jail. Instead she came back to Jericho and has killed a good share of them, I think she’s upstairs now finishing the job.”
“Sounds like you’re losing your touch, Grant. Years ago you’d have tagged and bagged someone like her. Now she’s in our own fucking building?”
“Afraid so. I’m going to head up there now and kill her.”
“You’ll do no such thing. I already ordered the scorched earth protocol. Our tech guys are destroying all our data remotely. One of our operators on the top floor there will literally self-destruct the building in a few minutes, so I’d get out of there.”
“Jesus, I didn’t know you had a self-destruct protocol.”
“We do for all our buildings. Explosive charges already in place. Just need the activation codes entered on site. First time we ever had to use one, so thanks for that.”
“If you’d have let me kill her from the get-go this wouldn’t be a problem,” Grant said.
“I think you’re forgetting who is paying you. You’re also forgetting our lack of a retirement plan. So I’d mind my attitude.”
“So what do you want me to do?”
“Get out of there and get to the Dallas location. We’re having a meeting there with some other trackers after all this. I need you up there by tonight,” Cork
said as he hung up.
Grant looked around. He could hear screaming from the stairwell. No telling what was going on up there. He should just turn and leave. As many horrible things as Grant had done in his life, he hated to just leave all these people to die. There had to be hundreds in the building, although he wasn’t ready to die himself.
This was only the second time in his life Harold Cork had called him directly. The first time was when the old man ordered him to take out a fellow tracker while on an operation. They’d been hunting an entire gang of neuros holed up near Shreveport. The neuros were always way ahead of them no matter what they tried. Turned out, his partner, whose name he couldn’t even remember anymore, was feeding the neuros their intelligence. Wasn’t that something?
Apparently this guy’s nephew was one of them. Somehow he managed to keep that information from the rest of the company. As a result, many trackers were killed and a lot of money was wasted. So one night they were parked a block away from where the neuros were thought to be hiding. Harold Cork himself called Grant and told him to take his partner out. So he did it. No hesitation, no second thoughts. He hadn’t even hung up the phone. In a single motion, he raised his hand, pressed the gun to the man’s head and pulled the trigger. They were on a first name basis then. To this day though, he couldn’t recall what the guy’s name was. Maybe he made himself forget. Not that it mattered.
Point being, Harold Cork didn’t just call field operators at random and for no reason. In his case, he didn’t want word to get out they had a traitor, so he played it close to the chest and made sure it was taken care of. Using that logic, and knowing this time he had blown this mission. Not only did they not get the samples and research they needed from the neuro, but she had gone on to kill an entire research center off. No, there wasn’t going to be any big meeting in Dallas. The only meeting he had in Dallas was with the Reaper. There was no doubt in that.
So as far as Grant could tell, he had a couple of choices. Go to Dallas and to certain death, turn around and leave for good, going into hiding. The third option is to see at least who he could save in this place before everyone died some horrible death. Running and hiding had never been his strong suit, nor had surrendering. So he drew his gun and headed for the stairwell. At least if he was going to die, it would be on his terms and putting up a fight.